Thursday 24 November 2016

FREE resources from Mystery Science

In my random browsing, I discovered several free units from Mystery Science. This isn't part of the Tim Peake Primary project, but it does provide an interesting alternative way of looking at Science.

The online courses are here and look pretty interesting, sign up and get a free membership for the year. They also have courses for younger ones.

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Life in Space Session, December 16th

In December, we will have a science group session on life in space.
Children will be able to choose from some of the following activities:

Learn some basic Russian (pages 4-5 )
Learn about space suit design (pages 8-15)  

Learn about the ISS and our solar system (pages 1-8)
Learn about the food eaten on the ISS (pages 20-24)

Various life in space activities

Science group adults, please can you choose what activity you want to do and get back to me on Facebook, ideally before 10th Dec.Thanks!

Amongst other things, I will be bringing:
Exchange Top Trumps Space Data
Life in Space memory game

Astronaut Log and Mission Diary (International Space Station Primary Kit)

Here is the first part of the International Space Station Primary Kit!

It has info for teachers, until you get to page 7, where you can find the astronaut log.
The astronaut log is best for recording any learning that you have done which might not be written down anywhere. This might be discussions, reading, websites used or films watched. This can be a really nice way to keep evidence of learning in addition to any pictures, film clips or photos.

The Mission Diary on pages 8 & 9 is a bit different. It helps to show the difference between what the child knew before starting out and what they have learnt through taking part. You don't have to use this, but as it doesn't take long to complete, it's probably worthwhile.

And finally...

On page 10 of the document, there is a nice looking completion certificate. Not sure why it isn't at the end, but take a look anyway. You can award this to your child once they have completed all/most of the activities.

Train like an Astronaut - Mission X for the New Year!

Train like an Astronaut / Mission X starts in JANUARY and I have signed up as Mission X team leader for a group of Home Ed children in Leicestershire. If your child is approx KS2 and would like to join in with the challenges, please let me know. Mission X is open to children of all abilities and you don't have to do every activity.

The files are below, so you can look at them anytime, but I will be posting challenges for those who don't want to have to read through the whole thing!

To give you a taster, check out the YouTube channel TrainLikeAnAstronaut/videos 

If you are not nearby or want to sign up a group, then visit this website. 
All the files you will need are here:

Welcome to Home Ed Space!

Hiya! Welcome to Home Ed Space!
The purpose of this blog is to give you all the links you will need for a fun Space project. The information is mostly from the Tim Peake Primary Project, but other bits may be added if particularly interesting or fun.
Activities and information KS2 children approximately, but as with anything Home Ed, you can adjust it to the needs of your children to make it suitable for different ages and abilities.